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Input Modes

Normally, a terminal emulator only knows about one input mode, so there is no need of distinction.

Inspired by Vi/Vim, the Termite terminal emulator started to introduce so called Vim-modes, where the user can use the keyboard only to screen text selection, amongst other things. So users can press Ctrl+Shift+Space to enter the vim mode. You can then move the cursor using vim motion keys and then start selecting.

Contour introduces multiple Vim-like input modes:

  • insert mode: This is the default input mode. Everything is forwarded to the application.
  • normal mode: Use motion keys to move the cursor and operators to act
  • visual mode: Linear selection, use motion keys to alter the selection.
  • visual line mode: Line based selection, use motion keys to alter the selection.
  • visual block mode: Block based selection, use motion keys to alter the selection.

Supported operators (Normal Mode)

  • Normal: [count] p (paste primary clipboard count times)
  • Normal: yy (yank current line to primary clipboard)
  • Normal: y {motion} (yank given motion to primary clipboard)
  • Normal: y {TextObject} (yank given textObject to primary clipboard, such as yiw, yaw, yip, yap, ...)
  • Visual: y (yank current selection into primary clipboard)
  • v enables/disables visual mode
  • V enables/disables visual line mode
  • i activates insert mode
  • Ctrl+v enables/disables visual block mode
  • Normal: o {motion} (opens resource by given motion, this can be a URL or local file)
  • Normal: o {TextObject} (opens resource by given textObject, such as oiw, oaw, oiW, ...)
  • Visual: o (open current selection into primary clipboard)

Supported motions

Moving the cursor outside of the current view using a motion, will cause the terminal to scroll the view to make that target line visible.

  • [count] h
  • [count] j
  • [count] k
  • [count] l
  • [count] w
  • [count] b
  • [count] e
  • [count] |
  • 0
  • $
  • gg
  • G
  • { & }

Supported text objects

  • i<, a< - angle brackets enclosed text
  • i{, a{ - curly brackets enclosed text
  • i", a" - double quotes enclosed text
  • ip, ap - backtick enclosed string
  • i(, a( - round brackets enclosed string
  • i', a' - single quoted string
  • i`, a` - backtick enclosed string
  • i[, a[ - square bracket enclosed string
  • iw, aw - regular word
  • iW, aW - space delimited word

Opening local files and URLs

Contour currently only supports OSC-8 hyperlinks as well as explicitly opening selected text.

In normal mode, you can open links by moving the cursor onto a resource (URL or local file) and then press oiW (open in (space separated) word) or use any of the other supported text objects to denote what to open.

You may as well type oo to open the URL under the current line. This works if no other information is on this current line, while spaces are trimmed left and right of the given URL in this line.